
VMworld 2017 Europe – Day 3

Last day at VMworld! Wow, it has been some crazy days, quite tried now.

After a good nights sleep I was up early and left the hotel at 8, to get to VMworld. I only had two session planed before heading home again. One session was with my colleague Heino Skov, around how to monitor and operate a multi cloud environment. The other were an VMware Cloud On AWS architectural session.


Let me start with the first one. Besides Heino, Marteinn Sigurdsson and Ryan Fay. Heino talked about how he is using tools like vRops and Log Insight, both as a cloud provider and as an consultant for assessments and troubleshooting. What was more interesting were to hear Ryan Fay, talk about how they move VMs between different clouds and on-prem solution and using tools like Wavefront to monitor and take decision making actions for them.


The second session on VMware Cloud on AWS, gave an overlook of how VMware is going to handle operation of the customers environments and some of the challenges that VMware has been faced with. It seems there is still some way to go for VMware before these products can gain really traction and general adoption, but it is a step in the right direction. Together with some of the other announcements at this VMworld and what I have seen and heard, I think VMware is moving in the right direction and when it becomes time to do hardware refresh people will have to look at other options when just buying new hardware for their datacenter.


As I am writing this there is still an hour untill my bus leaves for the airport and I am home again. The last hour for me will be spent at the solutions exchange.


Thanks for another great VMworld and I hope to see you all next year!

Take care for now.

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