No Syslog Server is Configured

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If you are running vRops and NSX, one of the mangement packs that is a must to install is the NSX management pack – On a side note remember to link Log Insight to vRops, that way when you install the NSX management pack in vRops, it will also install the NSX content pack in Log Insight and setup the alerts in the NSX content pack and forward them to vRops. The NSX management pack delivers both NSX network information as well as traditional network information from switches via SNMP and CDP/LLDP. It helps to provide better to understand of […]

Log Insight + Netflow = Awesome part 2

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In my first blog post Log Insight + Netflow = Awesome I show cased that Log Insight could be used to ingest netflows and showed some graphics and talked about possible extensions the data found into other products such as vRealize Operations or NSX. I got some comments from people who wanted to learn more, but instead of me keep answering the same questions, I have posted what and how on to github. This marks the first github project that I have created. So even though this is not even half baked, not thought through and very much just for […]

Log Insight + Netflow = Awesome

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This is just another awesome use case for Log Insight. I have setup the vSphere Distributed switch to send netflow to a netflow proxy which then sends them as syslog messages to Log Insight. The reason for this is that Log Insight can’t ingest netflow messages natively. What you then end up with is a lot of logged netflow messages like the one below. Ignore the extracted field names, these can be designed as you wish. I went with speed 🙂 You might think what can this be used for and why should I care ? Log Insight + Netflow […]

Getting the Log Insight agent

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This is just a short post on how to get access to the Log Insight agent. I recently found out that there is a neat way of getting the agent directly from the Log Insight server. Instead of downloading from the Log Insight server and then uploading the agent to a new device. Now you can simply download it directly. These are the urls you need dependent on which type of package you need. RPM: https://LogInsight/api/v1/agent/packages/types/rpm DEB: https://LogInsight/api/v1/agent/packages/types/deb BIN: https://LogInsight/api/v1/agent/packages/types/bin MSI: https://LogInsight/api/v1/agent/packages/types/msi   Using Linux and curl to download the agent with, the command would look like this: curl -o […]

Log Insight 3.3 Licensing

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Log Insight 3.3 has been released, if you haven’t seen all the new and awesome stuff in there, go check it out the release notes here and the what’s new blog post over at here. With this new release new ways to license Log Insight is also coming. For all vCenter customers, the vCenter license now includes a 25 OSI pack for Log Insight, with some limitations, I will get to that later. Another cool thing is that all vCloud Suite customers get Log Insight for free as in, you get CPU licenses for the amount of CPUs that […]

Running Log Insight on Ravello

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Continuing in the same track as the last few blog posts – It now time to get Log Insight up and running in the cloud. Unlike the last post on how to get vRops up and running on Ravello, where the main problem was getting vRops uploaded and setting a static ip. Log Insight threw a hissy fit and didn’t install at all. So starting from scratch, this is Running Log Insight on Ravello, the how to guide.   Uploading Log Insight to Ravello Just like with vRops you need to change vmdk geometry in order to get Log Insight uploaded to Ravello. […]

Changing IP address of Log Insight Master node

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During a POC of Log Insight which has been long running, features of Log Insight have evolved. From a single node, to clustered nodes and now to have an internal loadbalancer. As a lot of devices are logging to the ip address of the first node, which has evoled into the master of a cluster. It seemed easiere to just change the ip address of the master node and set the master node’s old IP address to that of the ILB, than to change the syslog setting on all devices which are logging to Log Insight (Note if you only […]

vSphere audit trail with Log Insight

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Had a talk with a former colleague of mine, a month or two ago, about a customer that wished to use Log Insight to do audit trail of there vSphere environment and if this was possible. My first reaction was I couldn’t see why it shouldn’t be possible to do audit trail with Log Insight. I mean it’s getting it’s logs from the different logs in a VMware environment so it should be pretty easy.   A week or so later I had a moment and looked into if it was indeed possible – As it turns out it is, […]

#VMUGDK Log Insight presentation

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Today I did a VMUG session at the Danish VMUG event in AArhus – Back to the roots – This event were all community session. Meaning it wasn’t the posh likes of Duncan Epping, Cormac Hogan etc (Name your favorite posh VMware tech guru blogger / Tech marketing guy / Action Figures). That were presenting but regular customers – Some maybe #vExperts   So below you will see my presentation togetter with the videos I made for the Log Insight presentation at #VMUGDK – Hope it’s still some what use full even though I’m not there speaking over the presentation/Video. […]

Log Insight Snapshot Content Pack 1.1

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Good news everybody! There’s a new version of my Log Insight Snapshot Content Pack, it’s only a minor update, but non the less is thought I’ll share it with you all. So whats new – I’ve added a COW Heap depletion dashboard to help troubleshoot.   If you wanna know more about COW heap, please check my blog post about it.   You can download the uploaded Log Insight Snapshot Content Pack 1.1 here