This is another script that I’ve posted earlier this year on twitter and pastbin.
This script is very basic, it enables you to get the SSH status of a given vCenter or change it. It takes multiple input, meaning you will be able to stop and disable the service on all host with one command – Aswell as start or view the status of the hosts.
This should cover most use cases. An example would be to stop and disable the SSH service and then list new state in order to valid it. As it can be seen below in the script description.
<# .SYNOPSIS SSH_Status.ps1 .DESCRIPTION This script makes it possible to enable/disable SSH-TSM policy and start/stop SSH-TSM service, aswell as get SSH-TSM status .PARAMETER Command Specifies the command you want to execute, chooses are: ViewServiceSSH - Output Current status: VMHost Key Running Policy ------ --- ------- ------ VMhost01 TSM-SSH False off StartServiceSSH - Startes the SSH-TSM service on all host StopServiceSSH - Stops the SSH-TSM service on all host DisableServiceSSH - Disables the SSH-TSM service on all host EnableServiceSSH - Enables the SSH-TSM service on all host .PARAMETER $vcenterserver Specifies the vCenter to which you want to connect to, in order to get data from. .EXAMPLE C:\PS>SSH_Status.ps1 ViewServiceSSH vcenter.local.domain
C:\PS>SSH_Status.ps1 "StopServiceSSH;DisableServiceSSH;ViewServiceSSH" vcenter.local.domain
VMHost Key Running Policy
------ --- ------- ------
VMhost01 TSM-SSH False off
Author: Michael Ryom
Date: November 28, 2012
[string]$Command = 'get-help $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -full',
if(!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"})){
add-pssnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
#If not already logged in to vCenter, login
if($vcenterserver -ne ($global:DefaultVIServers | %{$_.Name}) -and $vcenterserver){
Connect-VIServer $vcenterserver}
if($vcenterserver -eq ($global:DefaultVIServers | %{$_.Name})){
$VMHost = Get-VMHost
function ViewServiceSSH {
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHost) {
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $VMHost | where {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$VMHost.Name}},Key,Running,Policy
function StartServiceSSH {
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHost) {
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $VMHost | where {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH" -and $_.running -ne $true} | Start-VMHostService -confirm:$false | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$VMHost.Name}},Key,Running,Policy | FT
function StopServiceSSH {
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHost) {
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $VMHost | where {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH" -and $_.running -ne $false} | Stop-VMHostService -confirm:$false | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$VMHost.Name}},Key,Running,Policy | FT
function DisableServiceSSH {
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHost) {
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $VMHost | where {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH" -and $_.Policy -ne "off"} | Set-VMHostService -Policy "off" -confirm:$false | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$VMHost.Name}},Key,Running,Policy | FT
function EnableServiceSSH {
[string]$policy = "on")
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHost) {
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $VMHost | where {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH" -and $_.Policy -ne $policy} | Set-VMHostService -Policy $policy -confirm:$false | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$VMHost.Name}},Key,Running,Policy | FT
Invoke-Expression $Command
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
if($vcenterserver -eq ($global:DefaultVIServers | %{$_.Name})){
Disconnect-VIServer -confirm:$false