How to change VMDK geometry

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I recently ran into an issue were I needed to change the geometry of some VMDK files – I will do a seperate blog post on where and why later. For now I will just focus on how to change VMDK geometry. A VMDK is just a file with some descriptional data and the actually binary data of the VMDK. Think of it as a virtual harddisk. It adheres to the same physical characteristics and there for the physical characteristics are also part of a VMDK file. Normally you won’t need to change the geometry of a VMDK – I this case […]

OVFtool wrapper for vCloud Air

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Script, vCloud Air

Lately I’ve started using vCloud Air. That’s is a new experience for me, being used to using the fat client for a vSphere environment – The vCloud Air is a different experience, not bad, just other ways to get the normal day-to-day operations to work. One of the things I have played with is OVFtool, which is a command-line tool to upload ISOs and VMs to vCloud Air. Working with long command-line strings can be a bit annoying, as small typos quickly breaks things and it can be hard to spot the single digit error somewhere in the long text […]

Creating Excel spreadsheet with PowerShell

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If you have followed this blog from the beginning, you would have seen that I have done things with PowerShell and Excel in the past. Like in Enclosure Overview, where I draw blade enclosures, with blades in them, name them and color code them according to the cluster they are in. This was done to give a clear understanding of how clusters where spread out through the data center. This is a great way to visualize fault domains(in this case sites/enclosures) and how they are utilized. Another example is my blog post about pxe boot, called Yet another ESXi pxe […]

vCenter IDM overview

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Dealing with user rights in vCenter isn’t an easy task. Data is not readily available from the given users perspective, instead one have to look through the different rolls, to see what rights the user will end up with, a task that can be hard to complete or do compliance check on. vCenter IDM has always been hard. This has made me turn to the trusted tools of PowerCli, where the answer can quickly be found or data be exported to csv, for later use with your favorite spreadsheet. This post is about the powercli script that I use to […]

Exploring vRops Internal API

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Continuing from my last blog post I will show you some more of vRops API capabilities, this time it vRops Internal API. So if your new to the vRops API or just need some more background of how to use it please start by reading my previous blog post vRops API consumed with Powershell   First a disclaimer: This is not supported by VMware! I post this purely for educational purpose. This should NOT be used for production. Again THIS IS NOT SUPPORTED.   Exploring vRops Internal API This time I’m going to show vRops private / unsupported API, which […]

vRops API consumed with Powershell

Posted 9 CommentsPosted in Script, Vcops, vRops

vRops have been out for sometime now, and a lot of new features have been added, not to talk about a whole new user interface experience. The future looks bright for vRops. Another great feature is a REST / RESTful api. This what I’m going to talk a bit about, and more so show vRops API consumed with Powershell. First thing to know is how to get a hold of the vRops API and the documentation for it, and if you should wish to use it, there’s also a java and python client. I prefer to use a plugin for Firefox […]

Yet another ESXi pxe boot solution

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Yet another pxe boot solution Hopefully this isn’t just “yet another pxe boot solution” – It may not be as smart as puppet or chef, but hopefully you come to see that this is at least semi automated and a bit clever. So what sets this apart from so many other pxe solution/kickstart. Well first of it a custom build if you will, meaning its tailored to the environment, in this case it means HP C7000 enclosures and network documentation in excel spreadsheet. So if you run HPs C7000 enclosure and your network team just loves excel spreadsheet, this might […]

Validate SSL expiration date

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Every x years ssl certificates need to be renew for the vSphere infrastructure. So in order to do this I needed a way to validate SSL expiration date. Well the thing is I don’t know an automated way of doing this. I started by look around google to see if there wasn’t a smart guy who had already done something like this and it turns out there is, so please put your hands together for Vadims Podans and is blog post Test remote web server SSL certificate. With credit due, I’ll continue with my small contribution. How to validate SSL expiration date What Vadims have […]

Reset VM reservations and limits

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I was moving a customers VM’s from their site via vMotion into our datacenter, and one of the problems you can run into is with reservations and limits. There may have been valid reasons for having limit and reservations, but they can also be the root of performance problems. As this was not the case with this customer, I created the one liner below in order to remove the reservation and limits.  

CIM error

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I was trying get some hardware info via CIM, the other day and ran into this error message: Get-CimInstance : The response that the WS-Management service computed exceed the internal limit for envelope size. At line:4 char:12 + $Logical = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -ClassName CIM_EnabledLogicalEle … + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : LimitsExceeded: (root\cimv2:CIM_EnabledLogicalElement:String) [Get-CimInstance], CimExce ption + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80338049,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand + PSComputerName : hostname After googling the error i found a lot of site pointing to this command – winrm set winrm/config @{MaxEnvelopeSizekb=”1024″}   which needs to be run as admin. Only problem it doesn’t work on windows 7/2008+… […]